Our Fall/Winter Collection of Jewelry is Here!

Our Design Philosophy

MULXIPLY creates ethically handmade jewelry  focused on design and people

People are our priority.
Design is our approach.

Art and design are a part of a culture's DNA. When we travel to other countries, we spend time taking in their museums and architecture while appreciating their contributions to the world as art, form and function. We are inspired. Even through modernization, a culture never loses its intrinsic creative DNA. These aspects of a society are treasured and praised. They are a visual documentation of a nation's history.

Nepal is a fiercely proud nation. Its daily existence is tightly woven into its history. You cannot walk down a street without seeing a religious artifact, a temple, or a textile that doesn't somehow tie back to Nepal's heritage. It is a beautiful testimony of the importance of art and design in Nepal's rich history.

MULXIPLY respects this heritage. We seek to honor the raw materials, the resourcefulness of its people, the tradition and the methods. We don't seek to change what doesn't need to be changed. There is beauty in this approach. While it may be slower than large factory production, it preserves the story and it honors the maker. We believe in the power of the artisan to solve visual problems. Creative thinking can in turn solve larger problems. In the 10 years we've been working in Nepal, we've seen a reemergence of the creative class with greater honor being given to those who forge a path in the arts. The impact in the local economy is felt from the ground up, and future generations of makers are honored as valued contributors to society.

While our designs are modern, our approach is based on capturing the ancient through utilizing artists and the understanding of their craft. In doing so, we aim to create a collection that elevates a unique process guided by a skilled artisan.

Our founder, Tanja Cesh, is a designer and her approach to job creation is rooted in this perspective. Although "style" varies wildly worldwide, one thing unifies us -- we all adorn ourselves and our environments. Art, whether functional or fashionable, has a purpose. Humanity has woven, stitched, and crafted since the beginning of time. While fashion today has in many cases evolved to be more about one's identity or class association, at its core it is still largely a functional medium that everyone uses to clothe themselves. It's an extension or expression of yourself, your culture, and your roots. The same can be said of jewelry and accessories. Whether fashion or function, these items can be traced back to ancient societies making them historical artifacts.

As we've grown this business, we've largely done so out of observation. Returning year-after-year expands our understanding of Nepal's heritage and its roots as an artistic society with textural indigenous craft. Historically nomadic, yurts and clothing were felted from wool from livestock. Later as villages developed, women traditionally learned how to weave and sew garments to clothe their families. Men forged brass and other metals as hardware and artifacts for homes and temples. And in many cases, these skills continue to be passed down from generation to generation.

Elevating art and artisan with ethical jewelry for a sustainable lifestyle

We aren't looking to reinvent the wheel but rather to keep it turning. By utilizing existing techniques and partnering with artisans who have honed skill-sets, we are ensuring their livelihood and that their craft continually cements itself in history.

MULXIPLY ethical fair trade jewelry is handmade by master craftspeople in Nepal

As modernization occurs world-wide, many of the ancient trades are fading into the past. Because handicraft can be tedious, requiring diligent practice, younger generations aren't choosing to carry on their ancestor's craft due to alternate interests or opportunities in other fields. Sadly, many are enticed or culturally pressured into working abroad in migrant worker schemes.

If we view artists as historians, then it follow that if we lose artisans and their craft, we will lose a vital part of history. With this mentality, MULXIPLY is committed to keeping heritage handicraft alive by merging modern design with ancient techniques which in turn elevates the artisan as a vital part of society.

Our designs are a blend of what is timeless and trending. We believe in creating pieces that will be worn for years to come and for generations after that. Age-old practices ensure that our quality is tested. Our process is intentionally limited to what can be made with the tools and skills available to us in Nepal. Slow fashion means that each of our pieces is formed by hand -- one stitch, one cut, one forge at a time.

Jewelry Forged by Hand.

Down an ancient alleyway in the heart of Kathmandu's Patan Durbar Square lies a bustling open-air metal shop where MULXIPLY's jewelry collection comes to life.

Bags Made Stitch by Stitch.

A self-taught master leather craftsman created a family business which feels not only like an art studio but also like a home. Each bag is hand-cut and stitched with care.

Wool. Shaped and Styled.

80% women-strong, our felting partners are exuberant in both craft and personality. Each of our felted stuffies and slippers is made one-at-a-time by this mighty cooperative.